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AT-HOME OTC COVID TEST KITS Now Available: In-Stock While Supplies Lasts
AT-HOME OTC COVID TEST KITS Now Available: In-Stock While Supplies Lasts


  • Proper Hand Soap Usage For All
    October 4, 2020 GRJ Staff

    Proper Hand Soap Usage For All

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease resulting from a newly discovered virus that has affected the entire global community. It spreads from person to person, from some infected region to another. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, those droplets contain coronavirus and stay in the air for a long time. Then, due to the heavyweight, they fall downward onto surfaces below. When a person touches that surface, the virus then transfers from that surface to hands, and when he reaches his face as we often do, that virus transmits from hands to face and then travels into lungs from the mouth pathway. This virus can be present in the air, on tables, floors, and doorknobs. And many other items that humans come into direct contact.
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